If not for me, then whom
acrylic on canvas
120 x 70cm
I chose to paint Birrunga for several reasons.
Birrunga has a heart of gold and over the 5 years I have known him, his mentorship with emerging artists, his guardianship, and especially the work he does with prisoners has inspired me to paint this remarkable, strong, proud and passionate Indigenous Wiradjuri man.
As a mentor, Birrunga always had me push boundaries and challenge my comfort levels in the works that I do. He doesn’t just believe in me alone, but many artists and displays this through thought provoking encouragement and realism.
Birrunga also works towards changing lifelong perceptions of both black and white Australia, for the betterment of all Australians through his business and community engagement.
2021 Archibald Prize Entry
Subject: Birrunga Wiradyuri