Jessica Skeen

acrylic on canvas
91 x 121cm

This artwork tells the story of the 2 different types of
lore/law on this country. On one hand we have the
lore of the land. A deeply sacred way which allows
all living things to not only survive but also thrive.
This is symbolised by the leaves of the tree which
provide canopy and shelter, the river systems that
channel life giving water along way down stream.
Also, the treasured ‘black boy’ trees that provide
our men with the shaft for their spears which then
enables them to hunt and provide for their family
and community. We also have the amazing song
lines of the land which helps guide us home. What a
On the other hand, we have law. A set of man-made
rules that divide the land from what is ours into
mine. Barrie’s and boundaries created by a selfish
need that does not factor in our magnificent natural
environment which experiences the deepest impact
without a voice.
When you truly meditate on which way is best, what
conclusion do you come to?

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